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Service Prototyping



Making it Real – Adaptive Path 

A kit of objects and the process Adaptive Path uses to quickly simulate a complete customer experience.


Tips and Guidance on Prototyping 

A guide to prototyping new ideas from NESTA and thinkpublic.


From Insight to Implementation – Prototyping Service Experiences

Chapter 7 of the book provides a wonderful introduction to service prototyping.



Service Design Tools

Provides examples of both envisioning and testing prototypes


Co-Designing with the State Library of Victoria 

An example of a full-scale service prototype with library staff. Also highlights the value of co-creation.



When How Why Prototyping? 

An exploration of how iterative rough prototyping can be applied to services.


Conceptualising Prototypes in Service Design 

A PhD dissertation exploring the evolution of prototyping holistic service experiences.

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